The Figura



    The Figura had his first experiences with music during his childhood days. He played the piano and received influences in electronical music through his cousin who looked after him. The Figura made musical experiments with his computer and created his first technotracks. At the end of grammar-school he started to work and bought his first real synthesizer, and after some time got more and more equipment. He went on to now produce more professionally which was important for him. Influenced by a special family of artists and his mature musician career to finish (piano- solfa) he composed the soundtracks for some national theatre shows, movies. The Figura has a massive worklist with more than 150 productions and compositions for the most prestigious international labels and companies such as Patterns, Killacell Recordings, Techsturbatiom Records and his very own label Aquarius Beat Records The first track in 2002, he began to write, when his uncle came to him in a music editing program.The sound world of that time was not yet fully developed. Maximum strength gave him the inspiration Sa´ra´nd M47 club believe this is the time to go there with friends a lot more.DJ-producers are the best Dj Rush, Marco Bailey, Cristian Valera,Adam Beyer, Chris Liebing inspired. These were the people who later determined the current sound world.His style's main features are funky and dynamic rhythms, deep bass, sudden shifts of frequencies and Latin-tribal motifs. Módosítás