tplt DJs

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  • Active for many years on the Bordeaux electronic scene, the members of tplt bring the city to life through new events, day and night, with their festival tplt vision.
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  • RA Pick

    RA Pick
    • Fri, Sep 16, 2022

      tplt vision 2022

      Anaco, carin kelly, Ciel, DJ Spit, dj sweet6teen, Dylan Dylan, Elise Massoni, Hyas, Neida, Lefto Early Bird, Onohno, Lazuli, Pura Pura, Salomée, Simple Exposition, Blumm, Insulaire, Sevenbeatz, tplt DJs
      South West
      TBA - Various Venues
      Over three days and two nights, more than 20 artists will perform at various venues in Bordeaux, providing a special opportunity to explore a myriad of electronic sounds.

    RA Pick
    • Marie Montexier, tplt DJs, Blumm, Hirschmann
      Germany-based producer Marie Montexier returns to her native France to play at I-Boat. If you liked her release last year under the alias a.b.u.303, don't miss this rare occasion to catch her DJing on home turf.