Un Dilema


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Eventos anteriores

  • RA Pick
    • Avalon Emerson, D.Dan, AAAA, MNTY, VALERIANA, Loris, 1OO1O, Un Dilema, Bluecommand, Sotolo, Enya Botello, Deejay Energy, Héctor Marino, Mensik
      Beloved rave EXT. taps heavyweight artists Avalon Emerson and D.Dan for a sci-fi themed sonic exploration at Pino 479, alongside an impressive selection of Mexican talent. (note: an RA contributor is affiliated with this event)

    RA Pick
    • THC, DHC, Kingsizebed, Don Esquivel, Ursula Prawn, Meilgaarden, Kodemul, Un Dilema
      Mexico City
      TBA - CDMX
      1.3 k
      Por Detroit and Discos Movimiento join forces for a second NYE in a row to bring an NYE party that delivers with much-hyped Berlin duo S-Candalo (THC & DHC) alongside Kingsizebed, Meilgaarden, Kodemul and Un Dilema.

    RA Pick
    • Andy Martin, Anthony Parasole, Femalien, Goth Jafar, MNTY, Rødhåd, Un Dilema, Verraco
      You rarely encounter an event that represents the full breadth of techno. The third day of Boiler Room's CDMX event is just that, featuring big performances from Rødhåd, Anthony Parasole, Goth Jafar, Verraco, and national figures Andy Martin, Femalien, Un Dilema, and MNTY.