


  • Trumpet player, DJ, Producer at OVG Studios and organizer at Berlin Dub Wires
    The young musician that fuses influences from all the globe, Berlin based Trumpet Player and Reggae/Dub Producer Vale began his obsession with music over 10 years ago. His passion for reggae and dub culture was born in Brussels, where Reggaebus Sound System had an impact on his musical development from an early age. After releasing his first album in collaboration with D-operation Drop in 2016, he played many concerts alongside artists such as Radikal Guru, Reggaebus, Lion's Den, Roots Revival, King Shiloh, Wicked & Bonny, Daniel Dubsworth and many more. Forward to today and Vale has released music on high profile and respected labels such as Moonshine Recordings, Lion Charge, Mystical Records and many more with “culture dub” describing his works as ‘a beautiful, pure instrumental version!’ He draws inspiration from many genres and improvises playing jazz, dub or jungle, adding a special vibe to the music. His unique style makes him a well invited guest on Sound system culture sessions at the biggest clubs and festivals in Europe

    Discografía seleccionada

    Forthcoming: Moonshine Recordings forthcoming Radikal Guru forthcoming Dubbing Sun forthcoming D-Operation Drop forthcoming Halcyonic & G Roots ft. Digid Tribes84 Records (forthcoming Violinbwoy + Jerry Lionz) Heartical Impact (forthcoming Haspar) Dub Hunters (forthcoming El Indio) Mystical Powa Records (forthcoming Nish Wadada) Amplifyah Music + Warrior Charge Records (forthcoming AM006 + WCR001) Released: Dub Communications (DUBCOM021D - 2019) Metta Frequencies (Steppin’ to the Roots - 2018) Svaha Sound Records (SV002 - 2018) Mentha Music (MENTHA001 - 2018) Mystical Records (MR008 - 2018) Lion Charge Records (LIONCHG016 - 2016)