Vincent Parker



  • Fresh so that each performance is unique, adaptive, personal, epic and inclusive. Hailing from the bass drenched streets of East Vancouver, Vincent has his own instantly recognizable style. He creates his own brand of music a type of live blissed out..
    Fresh so that each performance is unique, adaptive, personal, epic and inclusive. Hailing from the bass drenched streets of East Vancouver, Vincent has his own instantly recognizable style. He creates his own brand of music a type of live blissed out psych power bass rhythms that are steeped in the psychedelic omnipresent mist of the Pacific Northwest. Everything you hear is recorded from live conducted electronic takes. Parker thrives in live performance and is known to North west coast audiences for his live shows complete with sweat, singing, stage moves, dancing, crowd interaction and the occasional lost shirt. In short- Vincent brings it live. Vincent uses a streamlined live PA setup consisting of a PC laptop running FL studio, two Kaoss pads, and an mpd32 controller. and only records live conducted takes

    Discografía seleccionada

    GLISTEN FOLD EP (2012) RESPECANIZE part one (2011) PRISM MYST (2010) REMIXES Brasstronaut - Hearts Trompet (Vincent Parker Remix) Passenger - Flashed Through (Vincent Parker Remix) WNY - Six (vincent parker remix)