


  • Co-founder of OIL Club, Silicon Kure, TURMOIL, and FAR Radio.
    来自南方海滨城市深圳的音乐探索者,漫步于音乐的行星之间不断发现新的可能。在她作为一名DJ出现在台上之前就已经做为俱乐部OIL、派对厂牌Silicon Kure和TURMOIL以及FAR Radio的联合主理人躬耕于深圳这片“文化沙漠”中。源自对英式跳舞音乐精巧多变节拍的热爱,在Hyperdub厂牌老板Kode 9的点拨下开始以英式跳舞音乐为基因,在“学习”新⾳乐的同时“补习”各类过去经典的音乐,扎根于深圳年轻多元的音乐场景让跳舞的音乐回归跳舞的本质。 只用一句话或者若干个标签来形容Yangyang的DJ Set显然是做不到的,在无数次过激派对行为后锻炼的舞池感受力使得她能够更加随心所欲地掌控舞池,在思考在什么样的时间点播放什么样的音乐这个问题上有自己独一无二的见解,相信冒险能带来新鲜的可能性。 A music explorer from the southern coastal city of China, stroll through the planets of music and discover new possibilities. Yangyang is co-founder of OIL Club, Silicon Kure, TURMOIL, and FAR Radio before become a DJ. Her DJ philosophy is to let music return the essence of dancing, and believes adventuring into each new atmosphere delivers and release opportunity. BAIHUI | OIL Soundsystem w/ KODE9 & YANGYANG https://baihui.live/shows/oil-soundsystem-w-kode9-and-yangyang-22-08-25/cn/ CDCR | Run Rabbit Run w/ Yangyang - 2023.1.25 https://music.163.com/#/program?id=2517192469 Yangyang | Keep Hush Live China: IWD Special https://youtu.be/oT8hrehpy9I