Jaded with Geddes and Raymundo Rodriguez

  • Main Room: Geddes and Raymundo Rodriguez Balcony Room: Nick Maleedy and Alex Nagshineh About Jaded. Do you think afterhours parties are disgusting and only for degenerates? Think again - they are the gathering place for the most devoted music lovers. The DJs relax and play the indulgent sets they'd not dare to play the night before to a crowd that already knows and appreciates it. You'll find a playful spirit and a deeper mindset that doesn’t rely on substances, the hypnotic music is all that’s required for the high... At Jaded, we’ve long understood this, and our motivations are to invoke a childlike feeling and see you deeply immersed in sound and swept away by the transient mood of the day. We love nothing more than to welcome new people to our subversive sect. We celebrate the avant-garde in techno and house music and in people - Jaded is a place where you are always free to be yourself, sometimes lose yourself. As always, we are running a special £7 cheaplist for RA readers. To get it, please send an email to [email protected] putting 'RA' in the subject field. Please note that as an afterhours party, Jaded is quite selective on the door with the aim of protecting an avant-garde and friendly atmosphere where everyone feels free to be themselves. Dress for underground raving, but please make an effort for us. More Info. Listen to live sets from Jaded http://soundcloud.com/krista-jaded Request to join our FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/jadedafterhours Cable Website http://www.cable-london.com
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