Lowbrow Underground


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  • Lowbrow was originally used to describe an underground sound and visual arts movement originating in California in the late 1970s. The movement had its origins in the underground subcultures of the time, which included punk music and commix world. The term itself was coined as a reaction against the so called highbrow nature of the art institutions at the time. Lowbrow events will thus seek to embody the ethos of this movement through offering a [series] of events which aim to offer something different from the established clubbing experience in Leeds. Lowbrow will be nomadic in seeking to take you to some of most secret and obscure locations across the city whilst offering some of the most credible and musically progressive artists from the subculture of the dance scene. Lowbrow: BE IMMERESED IN NEW SURROUNDING, OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS TO NEW MUSIC AND ART CONCEPTS. DANCE IN PLACES YOU NEVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE. BE A MEMBER OF A LIMITED AUDIENCE JOIN THE SECRET ITS BETTER LOOKING OUT THAN IN.

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