Devassa Bar & Cafe

  • Dirección
    401 W Main St, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
  • Enlaces



Acerca de

  • "Devassa Cafe and Bar is one of the newest, and swankiest new bars in Lexington. As most Lexingtonians know, Lexington has had the death and birth of a few bars. With the loss of The Dame, Busters, Triple Crown Lounge and Club Z-1, more than a gapping hole was left in Lexington's Downtown Night Life. But with death comes new life. Devassa, was one of the 3 new bars opening in the Victorian Square. Devassa is unique with its Brazilian-style theme and atmosphere. The bar specializes in mojitos and tappas appetizers. Aside from the cool south american style, Devassa has taken over part of the music scene in Lexington. Expect live music most weekends and even through the week as bands and dj's become more of the wonderful amenities Devassa has to offer. Right off the bat Devassa has hosted such local acts as Symbiance and the Sexual Disaster Quartet. " - Boozemonster (



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