Tamer Sallam



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    • Sun, May 5, 2019

      Wigflex City Festival

      Honey Dijon, Gilles Peterson, Midland, Avalon Emerson, James Holden, Max Cooper, Young Marco, Call Super, Shanti Celeste, Yazmin Lacey, LACEY, Conducta, Bufiman, DjRUM, Eris Drew, Peach, rRoxymore, Machine Woman, SPFDJ, CCL, Adam Curtain, Bobby., Congi, Coralie, Des Hagenasty, Dr. Watson, Dimensions Soundsystem, Dudley Strangeways, Hizatron, Illusef, Jimi Perspective, Joel Arcane, Jordan Diston, Scott Streak, Kate Webb, Kit Bodine, Lee Curmi, Louis K, Louis K, Lukas Wigflex, Make Me, Rupes, Nic Baird, Kit Seymour, Malebox, Metaphi, Morris Cowan, Mortalyf, Shannen SP, Sofia Ilyas, Tamer Sallam, Toe Szyslak, Trekkah, Truth & Lies, Ian Medina
      TBA - Nottingham
      2.5 k
      The debut edition of Nottingham's Wigflex festival assembles a pretty incredible lineup. From jazz to house, techno to hardcore, every corner of the scene is represented by these best-in-class artists.